When I Can’t Fix Things and It Appears That God Doesn’t (June 2019) It seems like I cannot fix anything. The other night the television had a message on the screen that seemed to say, “I know you want to watch the hockey game, but first you will have to fix an issue with your cable.” Well, that’s what I heard the voices saying to me. It was a desperate situation and the clock was ticking. I surveyed the situation, thought it through, said a prayer and immediately yelled, “Jenn can you help me?” She walked in the room. Within a split second, she pushed a button and magically the game was in plain view.A trip to Home Depot fills me with great anxiety and a desire to run from anyone wanting to assist me. I believe the reason for this is that I can never truly explain what I am trying to fix.Many years ago, a friend of mine tirelessly showed me how to change the oil on my motorcycle. I watched intently, took notes, and studied the notes-only to give up on the project. Minutes later, I would simply drive my motorcycle to the mechanic, trusting that he would take care of the situation.Over the years I have had numerous conversations with people regarding the question, “How do I fix this part of my life?” Many of the solutions were easy fixes. At times, the fixes were that of finding Jesus, of obedience, of self-reflection, of understanding another viewpoint, or of staying away from people who were not looking for Jesus. At other times, I have merely listened to people in their pain, and pointed them to Jesus and His wisdom.However, at the age fifty-seven, the previous simple fixes of putting a “band- aid” on someone’s life circumstances, do not seem to exist. The categories seem to be far more complex, and beyond my pay grade. At times they seem unfixable from my perspective and from my timeline. I want instant fixes. The stories of heartache adults knew when I was child, is now what I witness and experience. I want to fix things for people; but I am finding that I cannot, and it is driving me crazy!I have sought God, prayed, and heard the cries of others. The outcome of their situations is not how I thought God would answer. I’ve prayed for things in my own life, sought God, and the wisdom of believers. At times it feels as if a curve ball has been thrown over the plate, while the answer I earnestly prayed for has now gone into extra innings.Perhaps the complexity of a broken sinful world and at times our arrogance in our lives to “fix things,” will drive us to God- the Fixer of everything. The Fixer is not on our time clock. The Fixer is present in the scenes of our very own painful scenarios. That Fixer, for His eternal purposes, is working through us for our and others benefit. His eternal purposes grow us in our journey of faith.Trusting God in the process,Pastor Rich Edwards“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:26-28) Footsteps Newsletterlayhill churchJuly 9, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr 0 Likes