Global Missions
Josh & Susy Fajardo (Spain)
The Fajardos' vision is to discover Spanish leaders, people whom God is calling to begin new ministries, small groups, and churches throughout Spain. Currently, they are planting a church in a suburb of Madrid, Rivas-Vaciamadrid. They hold weekly small group meetings. The Fajardos are also involved in the development of a nongovernmental organization that focuses on compassion ministries in Rivas-Vaciamadrid and inner-city Madrid. They desire toe be "messengers of love" in all they do.
Corey & Connie Persing (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Corey and Connie were approved in October 2009 as FMWM’s first developmental missionary interns, under a recently initiated program. The Persings will begin a two-year term in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in August 2011. Corey will teach math and computer at Grace International School. Both Corey and Connie will assist with the ministries of the local FMC. The new internship program features mentoring, training and accountability for the development of effective cross-cultural workers. The Persing family spent the 2007-2008 school year serving in Thailand under VISA Ministries.
Mission Discovery/Hold The Children
HOLD the Children is a child advocacy program to help poor children in developing countries acquire an education and to provide compassionate care for abandoned or abused children. HOLD follows the 'two hands' ministry model of Jesus Christ. With one hand Jesus called people, saying "Come follow me" (Mark 1:17). This is the hand of truth. HOLD encourages people to find forgiveness and healing, hope and restoration, truth and guidance for life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. With the other hand Jesus reached out to touch and help those in need (Mark 1:41). This is the hand of compassion. HOLD helps the needy via responsible, compassionate care.
HOLD the Children cares about children. Too often children suffer due to poverty, political instability, disease, abandonment, exploitation and other injustices. Htc helps children find hope to rise above their difficult circumstances. Mission Discovery's short term mission teams go to these children and give God's love in action guided by the truth of God's Word (see 1 John 3:16-18). It is our privilege to serve God and man in this Kingdom way.
Layhill's sponsored child - Chinaica Charles
Limonade Church/School: Chinaica's Home (2018)