Thankfulness (July 2021)
Because we take many basic things for granted at times, we need to be reminded to be thankful. Nature all around us is one of the ways God shows His love for us. Every Spring, He dresses up our world. How beautiful it is!
When we are thankful, naturally we become more positive people.
1. Thankfulness improves our relationships.
2. Thankfulness validates us and lifts our spirits.
3. Thankfulness creates contentment.
4. Thankfulness keeps us healthy.
5. Thankfulness is contagious.
6. Thankfulness promotes generosity.
The Bible is full of passages on gratitude and thankfulness. It is used in commands, parables, and prayer (Christy Wright).
We were made to recognize and honor our Creator. Ungratefulness, giving thanks to other things for our blessings, or taking credit for them ourselves, causes us to lose focus on God and distorts us spiritually in our minds and hearts.
Here is an assignment for you. During your quiet time every day, list ten things you are grateful for. Write them down. It is good to be specific in our thanks. This is between you and God. It is yours to keep or throw away. No one else needs to know.
Let ’s get started:
- getting up in the morning
- the first cup of coffee
- the flowers outside your door
- friendly neighbors
May we all become more thankful to our Lord. I am thankful for all of you!
Blessings, Ruth Shorb