2 stories about falling in love with God… (June 2021)
She had everything the world defined as being successful. As her fame and fortune accelerated, she realized just how lonely she was. One night as she was going to bed at a 5 Star hotel, she found a Bible tucked in the corner of her suitcase. Her mom must have packed it.
She started reading it and before she called it a night, she knew she wanted to follow Jesus. Not always easy to understand, she was determined to understand the Bible’s message. There were things that she read that she really loved, however, there were other things that she read that she thought must be a typo. She would quickly suggest that it was simply a different interpretation or a cultural norm of that time. Soon she found herself picking and choosing what she liked, neglecting and ignoring what she did not like.
After much reflection, she acknowledged she was trying to mold God into what she wanted Him to be rather than just surrender and allow God to be who He is. Furthermore, she realized her need to let God make her into the person He wanted her to be. The amazing thing about this journey is that the gospel is now the core of every decision she makes. (2 Timothy 3:16)
It is a story that flows through the heart of every believer. We struggle with sin. Too many times we buy into the hype that we cannot admit to anyone else our struggles. If we do, we will seem weak. If we do, some will question our faith. So instead of reaching out to other believers, we hide and remain silent. The Evil One sees this opportunity and bombards us with lies piled upon lies influencing us to question the reality of their salvation.
The Apostle Paul is no stranger to this struggle with sin. In Romans 7, Paul reiterates his sinful nature and cries out that things he wants to do he does not do and the things he does not want to do he does. In a moment of clarity this larger than life Christian reminds himself not only of his depravity, but of the power of Christ who has freed him from sin.
Pastor Matt Chandler writes, and I paraphrase, that sometimes we have made following Jesus simply about sin management and or behavior modification. For some, it simply comes down to just following the rules. And yes, we in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, are given the ability to walk away from sin and live a life after Christ. However, if we are not careful, we may just begin to think that it is all about us and gravitate into the territory of self- righteousness. In other words, our confidence can shift from Christ to self. Laying it all down at the feet of Jesus is a focused life lived in the Spirit. A focus not mesmerized by one’s struggle with sin, but a life focused on the Holy Spirit’s power. To fall in love with God’s ways, is the beginning to walk in victory.
Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor Rich