February 2022

In today’s world it seems like we  can fall into the performance trap that  we do it all. We see in our world today  credentials and accomplishments that  can easily cause us to be high-minded, forgetting we are finite, limited beings.  Our Lord, who is Blessed Forever and Infinite, can sometimes be forgotten in our lives. When we do this, our reality  becomes our foolishness. Even our greatest accomplishment, Believer or  unbeliever, couldn’t be done without  God. 

Paul states in Romans 1 verses  22 through 25 “Claiming to be wise,  they become fools, and exchanged the  glory of the immortal God for images  resembling mortal man and birds and  animals and creeping things. Therefore, God gave them up in the  lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the  dishonoring of their bodies among  themselves, because they exchanged  the truth about God for a lie and  worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is  blessed forever! Amen.” 

We should always remember  that the Lord is to be given the highest  consideration, and not ourselves, or  any other man or thing. We as  Believers are commanded to put Him  first. With life’s problems and even our  own arrogance, putting God first can  sometimes be hard to remember.  Seeing our need for the Lord’s mercy  is good. Understand that God wishes  everyone to come to repentance and  experience His mercy; He is patiently  waiting. 

2 Peter 3:9 “He isn’t really being slow about His  promised return, even though it  sometimes seems that way. But He is  waiting, for the good reason that He is  not willing that any should perish, and  He is giving more time for sinners to repent.” 

From one whose received mercy to  you, 

John Besrat

layhill church