Church...The Redeemed People of God (September 2020)
Once upon a time and not too long ago, there was this place called church. The people of the church would approach and hug each other. They would sing aloud, hear the word of God, and sit next to each other. They would meet weekly and gather around a table or pew and share their lives along with a few snacks. This was the body of Christ coming together, encouraging each other to seek after God and His word.
However, what the people of the church grew accustomed to suddenly stopped. The physical building of the church closed. Groups of people could no longer enter the building like they once did. Due to safety precautions the church experience of getting together physically, ceased. A contagious disease entered our land and affected how we used to do things and how we must do them now. People began to wear masks, buy excessive amounts of toilet paper, and carry around hand sanitizer. We learned the art of dodging people in a store aisle and we realized just how much we liked going to restaurants. Despite our complaints and frustration, this was the new normal. As the days rolled by this disease took many lives. This disease has most likely affected someone you know.
Where we live the numbers of those affected with this disease decreased, and after a four- month hiatus from the way we used to do church, we have started meeting again. Now the message not only comes from a video, but we have begun to meet again with a variety of restrictions and safeguards. These include wearing masks, social distancing, sitting with only your family, no hugs and no snacks. In some ways, we have returned to the basics of worship without the distractions.
One service is now outside, and one is inside in the downstairs of the church. Many people of the church are still unable to attend due to pre- existing health conditions and/or a variety of reasons. Unlike the previous norm when the building was closed, and unlike prior to mid- March 2020, this is our new norm.
All along the church never closed. People are being called and prayed for, zoom groups are taking place and the video messages continue to be sent out weekly. The redeemed are giving. Ministries which Layhill partners such as Araminta and MUM (Food Pantry) are still in need. Monthly, food is picked up and individuals affected by the sin of human trafficking are being blessed because the body of Christ never closes. How beautiful it is that the church is not contained to the structure in which it meets. (John 4:24)
While we all may have a touch of “crazy” during this time, there is a deep yearning given to us by God to connect with each other. This connection helps us to grow in our faith and to share our lives together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. (Acts 2:42-44)
As we approach the Fall season, more than ever may this be a time to connect with a small group via Zoom. Please e-mail me at to become part of such a group.
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth." (John 4:24)
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. (Acts 2:42-44)
Blessings in Jesus,
Pastor Rich