April 2022
Years ago, I experienced firsthand the effects of a civil war in Sierra Leone, Africa. By no means am I some expert on the political climate of that time, but what I do know is that the presence of evil left a footprint. The disregard of humanity was evident as people’s hands and legs up to their kneecap were cut off, making a statement that they would never be able to vote again. As we drove through the streets, bullet holes were still imbedded in homes and on numerous occasions people on the side of the road could be seen without limbs due to an enemy’s wicked ways.
I believe in my own life I have stared into the face of evil through peoples’ racist actions, and /or an individual’s complete disregard for someone else’s life. I attended a webinar hosted by Araminta (A Christian ministry that helps people out of Human Trafficking) and a detective told stories of grotesque sin (evil) I wish I had never heard. Then there is the evil within myself, when I am in opposition to God. However, not to minimize my own sin, but today even though Ukraine is 4, 976 miles away we are experiencing evil up close and personal via cable news. These images bring up an anger in me.
It is hard to watch. It is heinous. It is a disregard for human life. It reminds of the prophet, Jeremiah when he refers to the heart as desperately wicked (see Jeremiah 17:9).
Not only is this evil inflicted on the people of Ukraine, but an element of this evil controls the Russian leader in order to continue these barbaric acts and permeates the culture in all its’ forms of oppression. How’s that for freedom.
History repeats itself. The more things change the more they stay the same. In the Old Testament writings, we observe the continual pursuit of trying to wipe out Israel, the nation from where Messiah would appear, and we hear referenced echoes of Christ’s coming. Jesus’ words in the last days of “wars and rumors of war” are heralded in the gospel of Matthew, and we wait and long and hope for Christ’s victorious return, whenever that may be.
What I do know is that the main characters (pawns) of this evil are discipled from the trenches of hell where the spiritual enemy holds court. We cannot see what goes on in the spiritual world, only how the battle is played out on earth. This has brought me to my knees, especially knowing that the living God is in this fight.
Easter is coming. Evil forcefully advances. Whether in the invasion of Ukraine as in other places around the globe, evil is also seen in our daily lives as well. Still, the cross of Christ and His Resurrection remain. Jesus’ power is victorious over sin and the last enemy, death. While I continue to lament over various atrocities that take place, Jesus understands this journey as he lived among the Romans of his day.
The resurrection decided the outcome of the spiritual war and the defeat over the power of sin and death; however, the regime of sin and death continue to battle until Christ returns.
“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe in Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the high place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else-not only in this world or the world to come. God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.” (Ephesians 1:19-22)
Putting our hope in the resurrected, living God,
Pastor Rich